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14 Oct

きのう母とCAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAに行った。CAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAはコヨアカンにある。ますちかてつにのった、アナヤでおりた。あと、コヨアカンのバスにさがした。アナヤのていでおおきのバスをまった、でも30分間まであのバスじゃなかった、小さいのバスにのったので。

ヴアヤルタでバスをのった。私たちは男の人を話した «ピノのまちがどこかへあります»、 でも男の人わからなかった、あるすぎるかったから。



       とうとうCAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAについた。CAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAの前にこえんがある。CAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAはとても小さくて、きれいじゃなかった。そとに三テ-ブルがある、中に三テブルもあった。CAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAの中にせますぎる、女の子は私のせなかけりつけたから。

CAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAのウェイタあまりあつくなかった。そして、たべものはたかすぎた。


私と母はまつたさんじょう分まで、ウェイタ話した «お待ちください» あそこで出かけたので。





This is an internet post

5 Ago

I missed all the drama.

Trent Reznor cancelled his Twitter account and said trolls made him do it.

Two things really stand out:

– Trent Reznor had a Twitter

– Trent Reznor is new to the internet.

Yes, I’m a NIN’s fan, have been for many years, it’s amazing he took Industrial music to a commercial level 20 years after Throbbing Gristle and Einstürzende Neubauten had experimented so much with the genre but in all honesty only the first two albums were interesting, the rest quickly became pop, elevator, or grunge music with a mediocre keyboard and a bunch of effects.

But I still respected him as an artist.

And he was supposed to be a precursor with his online site, he allowed members of his fanclub to watch shows live through the internet, he shared a bunch of his old works through torrent and he even made a Ghosts’ version available to download at a very reduced price but it seems all of that didn’t happen out of a knowledge of what the internet was about and instead focused on finding a way to feed his ego when he wasn’t giving concerts. When he stepped outside of his controlled little world ( without hundreds protecting him of users with thoughts different to his he began calling people «fat», giving them instructions of how to commit suicide and saying he was only on Twitter as part of an experiment.

I don’t know if he managed to convince himself that his fanbase wasn’t mostly made out of a bunch of egocentric morons who think the world sucks because it has various kinds of people in it, it’s slightly depressing witnessing his great shock, specially when he shares the same flaws with those trolls who also happen to be 30 years younger than him.

First MM and now this. It’s like those guys never grew past the age of 14 and are clueless and sheltered about what the world is like, all the pain and suffering in their songs is probably not born out of a great loss or a terrible tragedy but because somebody made fun of their clothes.

Pathetic wouldn’t quite cover it.

Now changing the subject slightly.

There was a time where viral videos, images or memes actually had a message or a purpose. Serious cat meant it that the internet was serious business and the girlfriend posing with the car was truly a huge accomplishment, even Badger-Mushroom’s fascinating nonsense couldn’t be easily copied by the masses, Tourist Guy wasn’t something most people would share with their grandparents, parents or co-workers, millions saw them but nobody really talked about it.

But there’s a need for the masses to take away the essence out of everything so it can be nothing more than light fun for everybody. Caturday, Demotivationals, Drama Praire Dog, everything was consumed, digested and shat for the whole world to enjoy, and this is how we reach one of the lowest moments in the short history of humanity: Television reporting what happens on the internet.

I know, I had mentioned it before, and I’m really over it because I barely watch 20 minutes of TV a week, but I still wonder why there’s even a need to find a light form of amusement when there are so many self-help books around begging people to live like every moment was going to be their last and like there’s no tomorrow.

There’s some woman who became famous thanks to a reality show done by TLC, I thought that channel only did documentaries and perhaps some boring shows about «every-day living» but somehow they thought exploiting 8 kids was educational and the show was a success, so much that two weeks ago many popular magazines dedicated their headlines to those people. But I think USA’s society must really be going through a difficult moment if the sites with millions of daily visitors spend hours talking about how atrocious is Kate’s barely unusual hair-style, how much it looks like a possum, adding images of the hair to the pics of animals, selling a «Halloween» wig that resembles the woman’s hair, etc.

Then there’s some video of a wedding in which the guests are dancing, millions of hits in just a few days, millions in awe: «Oh look! people are dancing! that’s so kooky and wacky!».

I also kept seeing news on Lindsay Lohan, she went to the hair salon, she went to a friend’s house, her mother gave an interview, Lindsay was promoting a Milkshake, and people left comments about how bad she looked, how stoned she probably was, how dirty and disgusting was her hair and often there were several people who made the same question: «What is wrong with her?», I used to agree and considered there really was a problem, she was jobless when she finally had the right age to work, she does drugs and has an eating disorder, she also has very low self-esteem and control issues but there are a lot of people like that doing those and many other things, there is nothing wrong with Lindsay, her behaviour is pretty normal for an addict in denial, so then why is she being followed around and photographed?

Superficiality is not about the self anymore, it’s about the one of others’.

Say my name

10 Mar

When I heard Nicola Sarkozy, was going to visit Mexico I knew nothing good was going to come out of it because the headline said «Tourists were taken out of the Pyramids due to Sarkozy’s visit».

México has a long history of racism and discrimination, not always from foreigners (just ask the millions of Spaniards who helped create the «Hispanic» race) but the worse always come from Mexicans, whether they are in Mexico or in other countries.

For several hours, both locals and foreigners weren’t allowed to return to the Pyramids, there wasn’t an official statement as to why the government allowed it or, even worse, suggested it, but the media didn’t make a big deal of it either, I guess nobody remembered when Charles de Gaulle visited the same place and didn’t have a problem with it remaining open to others.

But that happened during the morning, what happened during the evening?. He went to the Mexican Congress and requested the government (different jurisdiction) the extradition of a French woman accused of committing 9 kidnappings, one of them being against a 10 year old boy who recognized her as the woman who, with a needle, drew some of his blood in order to send it to his father (along with a corpse’s ear) so the father would pay more money thinking the kid was being mutilated, but Sarkozy was having none of that sentimental non-sense, in France the woman wouldn’t have to serve 60 years in prison (like in Mexico) and could be released after paying a fine.
The Congress was fine with that too, they were too afraid to say anything, so they also instructed most massive media to report that it was a perfectly legal and perfectly okay thing to do because there are international laws allowing it, not that they care really, the french government was going to do whatever they wanted but it was best to make it sound like the mexican authorities at least agreed.

And that wasn’t all, whenever he had some spare time between sending kisses and making sweet faces to his wife he also asked for support, not for himself and definitely not for his country but for the United Nations, he informed us that troops had to be sent, the reason?, Mexico had an obligation with the rest of the world that could only be paid with the «blood of their soldiers».

I don’t know why I feel like Sarkozy (not France, of course) gives a controlling-lover vibe, all the yelling and beating (check the constitution, creating a «binational commission» is illegal) hurts him beyond words but there’s no other way things could get better. So even when he has a lovely wife, money or popularity his good and humble side enjoys picking up scum to try to create something beautiful out of it, whatever he says will be done because he knows better and if he asks for some hardcore no-lube anal followed by a gagging deepthroat culminating with a close-up polaroid shot of the dirty sanchez and black eye, well…, is there a place for a «no»?.

He brings shame to France and I swear I’m choking here.

Suck my kiss!

19 Feb

That stupid «I kissed a girl, and I liked it» song that many people can’t seem to shut up about and only makes me think of my granny going «So like yeah!, I kissed a girl and you know what???, I LIKED IT!!!!! WOOOH!, How’s not too cool 4 school now?, eh?, eh????» is NOT the topic of this post but I needed to get that out of my chest.

My post is about a world record.

A true disaster is what last week’s «Most People Kissing Simultaneously» Guinness Record turned out to be.

London held the title but the D.F. (Mexico City) thought they needed a new campaign to promote the city during these times of economic crisis.
Apparently the idea came from how «Besame mucho» (kiss me so much) was such a popular song in Europe, so much that even The Beatles had recorded it during the 60’s. Any Mexican who has been to Europe knows there was no way that urban legend* could have caused any problems.

After the motto was set the next logical step was a design contest for a logo, the results probably came out as a surprise to everybody because 8 out of the 10 runner-ups thought the best way to represent a kiss was through some female lips with red lipstick, awesome!.
When it was settled that some red lips were the most accurate picture a tourist could associate with the city it was time to promote it, through different media local people were invited to kiss their partner in public so others all over the world could see how… nice they are.

Unfortunately the government didn’t seem to consider the cultural differences and how most Americans (as in, people in this continent, including the good ol’ USA but Brazil to a lesser extent for this situation in particular) aren’t exactly fond of doing certain things in public like nudity, displaying affection (unless it’s a Gay Pride event) or acting like they don’t give a f*ck. America, unlike Europe or Asia is not a cell, it’s a bunch of particles.

But it was already too late when authorities noticed this (6 hours after the record was meant to be set) and it wasn’t until 8 pm when a music concert was about to begin and the Zócalo square was full that Guinness Records’ authorities started counting, the title was handed over and nobody mentioned the event again until the next day when the official number of participants was made public: 39,987 people.

So how does one go about kissing oneself?, how is a threesome-like kiss counted?!.

*That it was famous, not that the Beatles were unaware of where it came from when they sang it.v

Ni tantita vergüenza

11 Ene

Llega un momento en que ya no es entretenido hablar de lo desesperado que esta el no-gobierno. Así que no voy a hablar de como Televisa sigue utilizando sus programas para, en medio de las conversaciones casuales entre los conductores, sugerirle a la gente que no entre en pánico porque los planes económicos propuestos si bien pueden no funcionar al menos están diseñados con honestidad, de lo que voy a hablar es de algo mas chistoso.

Los noticieros nos hacen saber que el presidente electo de E.U.A. se va a reunir con Calderón ANTES de tomar posesión y lo maás maravilloso es que es al único representante Latino al que va a ver sin tener fuero.

Y dijeron al unisono «orale!!! que chido!!» porque a todos los demás los recibirá (incluyendo a Chavez y, posiblemente al nuevo presidente Cubano) cuando ya pueda considerarse una audiencia formal, pero eso es irrelevante porque lo mas bonito es que sea el último de una larga lista que ya lo ha visitado solo para saludarlo, ¿qué importa si no es oficial?, ya le dirigió la palabra y con eso le dio un palmo de narices a los que dicen que no va a haber plan migratorio integral, dinero extra para la crisis, revisión del TLC y una relación mas pareja como vecinos, a ver quien se atreve a criticar ahora.

Pasando a las criticas. Vi un avance de una cosa llamada «All American Dad» y si por ellos fuera podrían quedar inscritos en los libros de antropología que las características más definidas de un «americano» son:

  • Carece de cualquier instinto de sobrevivencia.
  • Carece de células inteligentes.
  • Es un demente.

Por mi parte yo me ofendería mucho si alquien sacara una serie llamada «Latindio» y utilizaran lo peor de los habito sociales de algunas personas para formar un «digno representante de la cultura Latina lleno de divertidos estereotipos». No, no estas reflejando nada, estas humillandote a ti mismo.

Supongo que podría ser un mecanismo para aliviar su conciencia por tantos años de propaganda racista en contra de «todos los demás», aun así, su idea de lo que es gracioso me revuelve el estomago.

The nigga

8 Dic

I honestly believe isolated words can’t hurt people, I have been claiming for years that racism wouldn’t exist if those meaning to get offended would turn the other cheek (as in, «give it to me as my equal, bitch») or if any reaction wasn’t a response to getting their pride hurt.

And then comes Nigga, a Panamanian reggeton singer. When I began hearing in all those programs from Latin America things like «Yeah, Nigga is a good singer, Nigga is gaining success, Nigga will be giving concerts, The audience went mad during Nigga’s gig last night» I was BLOODY offended, I couldn’t believe they were ignorant about what «Nigga» meant and where it came from, I was disgusted that the singer (a mulatto) had used a derogatory term as his stage name, I don’t remember if I did call at least one TV Station to complain about this blatant promotion of racism against blacks (which are quite rare in most of Latin America) but I do remember I had the strong intention of at least sending some e-mails expressing how using a shocking word (albeit, in a different language) to get famous was really too much.

But one day I forgot about it. Months passed, Nigga became one of the biggest selling artists of the year 2008 with a song that just repeated over and over «Te quiero baby woooh, woooh», and soon after some other hits followed, he was crowned king of the «Romantic Style».

The stupid song was everywhere, from TV Series, soap operas, game shows and of course adverts as well as people’s mobile phones.

And so Nigga was invited to a tv show where he would perform different kinds of music (and dances) during a few weeks, he wasn’t the only one of course, it was a contest that included some other famous pop figures.

His name was being pronounces by all kinds of people:»Nigga fainted after the show, Nigga went to the hospital, Nigga might not finish the show, Nigga is at risk of leaving the show so everybody call now to give money, Nigga is back, please welcome Nigga, How are you Nigga?, Nigga, we didn’t like your performance, If people keep giving money Nigga might win, Up next an exclusive interview with Nigga».

WTF?!, why is no one else doing this?, we begin with words and after one or two generations racism would be gone for good.

It’s controversial to say the least.

Fifty ways to kill your lover

15 Abr

I see it almost every week, a guy wants to leave his wife because «he never loved her».

I find it very difficult to believe that a guy who marries and decides to have kids with a certain woman (or woman with a man) has really no feelings for that person but was distracted when the wedding was planned, when it happened and when they had sex.

This guy in particular had an interesting excuse, destiny reunited him with a long lost love and now he was ready to leave his two kids (3 and 1 years of age), his wife and his home in the name of the greatest love story the universe has ever witnessed.

When he married and when he decided to have a baby (then another one) he wasn’t thinking about this great love, but it was still great oh yes, just not present in his life and when something that we need like oxygen is not around the best we can do is not do other things or try to find it but instead act like we don’t really need that and be happy.

The man expresses he would never be happy, he has however, considered sacrificing his happiness (which consists of living with a certain human being) in the name of his kids, luckily for him somebody showed up and informed him that his parents’ divorce didn’t affect him, he was a happy kid growing up too, so now there was really nothing wrong in divorcing and giving up custody of the kids, they would manage with some good quality time.

Might be selfishness because I really want a pink Hello Kitty convertible, I know I won’t be happy without it, I won’t be a good mother/father to my five kids because all the time my heart will be with that dream, unfair for my partner too, I can’t fully love anyone but the car, the crotch drops will grow, my car never will and the only thing that moves me is the certainty that if I were to have it our happiness would be infinite and my life perfect.

I know that guy will never read this (thus it’s here, he doesn’t need my judgmental opinion either) which is why I’ll add the following: I hope your wife never allows you to see your kids again, takes all of your money and I hope your old flame leaves you very soon after you get married citing as the reason for divorce that you weren’t what she had imagined and that you also have a very very small dick.

Grijalva, Uscumacinta, Carrizal.

6 Nov

One million people lost their homes after Tabasco was flooded, how did it happen?. The pseudo-president blames global warming; Is nature cruel and unpredictable all the time?.

During that year (’99) Tabasco got less severely flooded, a project was then created to prevent it from happening again. Several government agencies announced plans such as the construction of floodgates and dams, last year 2 thousand million pesos were given by PEMEX to continue those works, residents complained not all the money was invested and what was built had no use because the materials allowed water infiltrations.

October, 2006
The Supreme Electoral Court admits the elections in Tabasco had several irregular situations but declared Granier the winner, this gave Tabasco a governor from the same political party that has been ruling for over 75 years.

October, 2007
The last governor of Tabasco, Madrazo, was accused of cheating during a marathon in Germany, his walk marked to be seven time faster than an Olympic medallist runner, when confronted he argued all judges knew he had an injury and it had clearly stated he wasn’t really participating but had crossed the finishing line only to get his participation diploma.

October 31st, 2007
Half of Tabasco’s territory gets flooded, the Governor says he can’t force people to leave their homes but will do it anyway if the situation worsens, he also says there’s no risk of the Grijalva river overflowing.
A few hours later pseudo-president FECAL helps filling up with sand a few sacks that will be used in case the rain returns. At night he gives a message to the nation, Tabasco is severely affected and asks for money and food to be given to their «mexican brothers».

November 1st, 2007
The Grijalva river overflows leaving most of Tabasco underwater, people will remain on top of their homes for days without food. Television does a special coverage, a million people need clothes, food and a safe place to spend the next few days, TV channels and banks are receiving donations 24hrs a day. Three days later most people have not received any help, newspapers report: «only TV crews are arriving but empty handed».

November 4th, 2007
Information about a National Electricity Board plant being the one to blame for the catastrophe becomes a constant in a few newspapers, apparently the plant was reaching the safe limit of water stored, when they were informed the severe rains could permanently damage the whole structure they opened the gates causing the flood.

November 5th, 2007
The National Electricity Board announces it will participate in the pseudo-president’s request that will excuse Tabasco residents of paying taxes during three months. Some congressmen made public their intention of donating one day of their salary to help people.

Oaxaca and Chiapas are also having severe flood problems, thousands, just like in Tabasco are isolated.
The UN issues a press release informing the floods could have easily been prevented had some «simple and inexpensive» measures were taken.

The government says there’s no risk of an epidemic and compare the tragedy to the one in New Orleans.

Baby’s got pack

4 Sep

According to a not very reliable newspaper it’s now a trend to give newborns a very unique «gift pack» consisting of a single thing in the area of online personal spaces (none related to the MSN ones), the mostly priceless gift can either be a Facebook account, a Myspace account, an e-mail account or an internet domain, this last one clearly being the only one that does has a price.

E-mail is definitely a must for any human being, DOB and full name of each person has to be available as soon as the person can type, or if they can’t as soon as somebody can do it for them.

But the obvious question is not why the parents’ spaces are not enough to promote a baby amongst those they know (and don’t) but why would an underage kid need such a recreational and sensible thing.

The options are endless, we have for example that the parents may want to show the world how their child changes, there’s nothing more interesting than a complete stranger broadcasting everything about themselves whilst the parents imagine it’s none other than Shiloh Pitt Jolie on that million dollar portrait for People magazine, but they can also upload the photos of their little ones wearing their nicest pieces of clothing (or none at all), and if photography is not their strong point there’s always the posts option to talk about their talents and accomplishments.

And the best part would be when the kid begins school, not only would it be known where he/she lives, also where they spent their days and links to their closest friends would appear, friends w/pics & a/s/l as well as lots of more precious info on them and their parents. It would only be a matter of time before posts are made about the things they do, their worries and special moments, even if they would most likely delete their page every time one of their crushes crushes them, a group of friends splits, an unwanted friend of relative finds them or when the parents run across their nudes, it wouldn’t be difficult to make a new account and continue where they left off.

Even if no kid born during 2007 is likely to know what «Hi5» was by the time they reach 10 I can’t help but find the idea of a full generation of overexposed kids more amusing than the MySpaces for fetuses.
Oh yes, I must add this journal was recently refurbished.

He said now that is what I it think is art

26 Jun

Khalo, Frida Khalo all over the bloody place, and the only one to blame for this is Madonna, when she proclaimed her love for a painting of Khalo and expressed her eagerness to make a movie about her life (yes, Madonna’s).

Unfortunately for the world Miss Ciccone moved on but merchandising, always ready to find new victims, didn’t, and now I have to sit here reading every day about those new «works» of her (Frida) that were discovered just a few days ago.

Why should I care?, the woman has no clue of how to draw or paint, she was the Yoko Ono of muralism, a poser, a leech, a submissive woman completely dependent of man with true talent.

Recently some «historian» said: «Frida was not a communist, she knew very little about politics, her thoughts were contradicting, she participated in all the communist events because she got involved in whatever her husband was into», somehow, for a programme about how marvellous Frida was, I don’t think that was a compliment.

Her image can be washed and re-invented (Lebanese Hayek?), but her splatters of paint are not going to suddenly evolve.

Has anybody seen the prices to go watch a live performance from The Royal Ballet?, good heavens, not even U2 asks as much, I know they’re different types of talented (the quartet lacks it) but really, what’s the point of developing a skill if you’re going to charge to share it?!

But this week’s idiot award goes to Paul McCartney, he decided to inform the world that he felt pity for Oasis when the latter said they were going to be bigger than The Beatles. Well Paul, now you know how the Christian world felt, but, with Oasis, their ego-filled dream can still happen.