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14 Oct

きのう母とCAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAに行った。CAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAはコヨアカンにある。ますちかてつにのった、アナヤでおりた。あと、コヨアカンのバスにさがした。アナヤのていでおおきのバスをまった、でも30分間まであのバスじゃなかった、小さいのバスにのったので。

ヴアヤルタでバスをのった。私たちは男の人を話した «ピノのまちがどこかへあります»、 でも男の人わからなかった、あるすぎるかったから。



       とうとうCAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAについた。CAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAの前にこえんがある。CAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAはとても小さくて、きれいじゃなかった。そとに三テ-ブルがある、中に三テブルもあった。CAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAの中にせますぎる、女の子は私のせなかけりつけたから。

CAFE RUTA DE LA SEDAのウェイタあまりあつくなかった。そして、たべものはたかすぎた。


私と母はまつたさんじょう分まで、ウェイタ話した «お待ちください» あそこで出かけたので。





Because you already have something in common

1 Ago

Just when women thought they were equal to man a new generation of (old) women appeared to say: «I want my husband’s job».

Not too suddenly (but quite surprisingly) wives of ex and current presidents are asking for an equal share of the cake, for no other reason than they’re women and married to a person who gave them enough knowledge on all presidential matters.

Martha Sahagun was one of the first, then came Hilary Clinton and finally Kirshner’s wife (don’t know her name) decided a few months ago to inform the world of her aspirations.
It’s been heard the wife of France’s current prime minister also aims at the popular position, but it might not be the right moment to talk about it considering her husband just got the job.

I don’t know why would anybody prefer to vote for «the wife» in countries where reelection is legal, what’s more, I don’t know why would anybody want to reelect any politician for anything, they serve – they leave, somebody who is not leaving a country ready for a successor made a mistake somewhere.
But there are intelligent people working for their countries, one of them is Shimon Peres even if technically he doesn’t has a country.

Last night I watched a re-run of an interview with him, I won’t comment on the evident (the man is an absolute genius), only about a couple of things he said.

No good human in this earth would ever believe the TLC between the USA, Canada and Mexico was beneficial to the latter. The free trade agreement did allow Mexicans to buy those magnificently important tons of low-quality plastic junk the USA was producing, not to mention how Mexico stopped growing its own fruits and vegetables because the government agreed to destroy its own production and end all farms agricultural financial assistance in order to import everything from the USA at a high price and in exchange of never selling products to them, in other words, the amounts of equality couldn’t have done anything except help Mexico.
Maybe Shimon got confused?

Later on he mentioned how it was very important for rich nations to stop sending money to third world places because that had only helped small groups in «developing» countries and the «help» never reached the people who actually needed it to survive. Clever. But then he went on about Israel had to help Palestine improve their economy so their children could go to school, have wealth and be politically stable, that way attacks to Israel would stop.

If poverty depends on each country and gets produced locally, how is Palestine an exception?

Palestinians are not attacking because they’re poor, they’re not attacking because they were told to, they’re doing it because their land was invaded, and no matter how clever, civilized or brilliant a person (country) is, if they invade a country they’re asking for a war, asking to get attacked and asking to be labeled as the instigators.
Of course, Shimon Peres is a Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Soft shades of green

20 Feb

I just downloaded «SeaMonkey», what a cute, easy to use, great browser it is, since the early days of Mozilla (with the fire coming out of its mouth) or the late days of Duke I hadn’t felt so fascinated, of course, Opera is great, the greatest in many ways, but the Mozilla family programs are still offering customizable products.

In the past few days I’ve seen some ads that I just needed to post about, I haven’t done this in a while so I’m sure I’ll enjoy it even more.

The first one is a car commercial (how original), it shows different people seeing themselves driving new cars, and that wouldn’t be bad if the background music wasn’t the song from that silly movie called «Requiem for a dream».

There you go guys, do it all, do anything, brag and dream about it, and with a bit of luck you’ll get a movie made about how pathetic you made your life.

Oh, and there’s another brilliant TV ad about cars being shown, well, not about cars exactly, it’s about car deodorant, it goes «If you wear the same deodorant for your car than the rest, you’ll be like the rest», o
f course!, because car deodorant is what makes us different!.

Moving on to that second advert I was talking about, it’s a bus stop poster, it shows a bunch of males dressed up elegantly (probably wearing a smoking suit) showing only their back so they can be seen in a black suit and a top hat, but appearing in the middle and facing the camera is a guy wearing a shirt, a knitted red tie, jeans and a leather and metal belt, the slogan says «Because now it’s about making your own fashion» or something to that effect.

Cool! so the top hat guys CAN wear whatever they want and not be criticized for it, aren’t they fortunate?!.
Finally, the latest campaign from «Barbie». We’re shown images of girls doing activities such as horse-riding (because every girl has a horse, right?), dancing ballet and playing guitar (another popular activity amongst 8 year olds), and in the back it gets repeated «I’m who I want to be, I’m a Barbie Girl».

It’s nice they want to keep telling girls all over the world what’s the appropriate look for them, but it seems now having a doll is a life style, like owning a car or a specific kind of shoes, except we’re talking about kids, children who don’t work and who were already pressured to fit into certain conducts to be considered valuable.

Kids no longer have to worry about being rejected, there’s no way they won’t be because same as adults, nobody lives in a fantasy world of eternal youth or infinite admiration, isn’t that sweet?.

Leaving it

15 Feb

Yesterday I read in a LJ community about a Canadian teen who requested «no americans» to contact her, at least two «americans» wondered what was wrong with them, Jesus, they’ll have a hard awakening once China and war stop helping out their economy.

But, it was fascinating to read ONTD after Anna Nicole Smith’s death was reported, I didn’t read through all of the 2k messages, but the few I checked were very significant of the kind of people that use the internet in the USA.
Some comments posted (and repeated):
– «The news are doing live coverage»
– «Is anybody else seeing channel 10?, the news reporter is being an idiot»
– «They showed the body on TV! It’s terrible!»
– «I just woke my friend up in Europe to tell him the news»
– «I made an icon about this»
– «She was a great person»
To them anything is big enough to become a profitable tragedy, people will stay in front of TV and the computer to get shocked at anything they show and however disgusting it is they’re going to remain there, whatever is news there must stop the rest of the world, and light matters is what gives them a sense of belonging.

Anna Nicole had tried to commit suicide many times before, she was addicted to drugs, she did everything to hang on to superficiality but now she’s dead she was considered a good person, lots mocked her, lived to see her fall and fail, laughed at her emptiness but she’s dead now, there’s no time to learn lessons, life is short.

Talking about vain bitches, I looked up Cristina Rosenvinge and I found one of the most vapid information I’ve ever read on any «artist»:
«Madrid-born, Danish-descended singer Christina Rosenvinge owns one of the more singular careers in pop music. She spent the 1980s as a bona fide star in the Latin-speaking world, selling out stadiums and a boatload of records as half of the duo Alex Y Christina.»

What tha?!, Where in the world is Latin spoken now a days?, well, that would explain the «selling out stadiums» part, the girl only used her image to try to make herself known as a musician, but failed, and it’s disgusting when a person tries to sell herself as having a really amazing past, didn’t like who you were?, too bad! you cannot change that, you’re friends with Sonic Youth now?, good for you but don’t complain about what made you rich during your young years, you didn’t hate it when you were cashing in, why should we hate it for you?.

It was 1991 when she sang at a Chilean event, and I use the word «sang» loosely as she could barely speak out loud, just really, what is wrong with people trying to make her known?.

Anyway, it’s said that she has a new album, I haven’t heard it nor do I want to, I love the only song by her band that reached the charts 20 years ago, and the 80’s were nice but there’s no reason to want them back.


28 Ene

I never really liked Deviantart as I found it biased, but it’s really a sad time for artists when the biggest/most known community gets «works» that are nothing more than myspace-whore pics.

The good news is I cannot remember the full name of any kid or person I went to school with, now neither place I can relate to.

Also, today, Brazil is one of the richest countries in the world, their future looks promising, it was interesting to see Lula at Davos informing he may consider making changes to some of his economic policies IF other countries reduced the financial assistance government gives to agriculture. Even if some people consider Argentina to be «hardcore right wing» one can’t forget they did ignore the FMI after their economic problems a few years ago.

Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and a few other «smaller» countries are signing partnerships, a counterweight to the EU and China, I honestly doubt they succeed, at least not in the next deca
de or so, but they are not joining wars and they are not selling themselves out, they are working, they are assuming control of what’s in THEIR territory, what they are producing.

Meanwhile, Mexico’s fake president is claiming oil and electricity will be available to foreigners for free, he’s telling the world he has no idea what Idomeneo is but he welcomes all kinds of investments, he has to cancel events due to protests but he’s loved.

Today this is the future, glories are elsewhere, crossing the border, a film isn’t successful if it doesn’t win an Oscar, they’re so busy, there’s nothing to work for, everything must become debris, a new place must appear, one looking like what’s on TV, this isn’t «us» anymore, feelings lean towards those at the north, there’s also Europe, so much shared, the whole area is one, the powerful, the mighty, the good side.

Gosh, there’s so much talk about socialism lately, it’s found in 60’s books, right?.
Dream you are famous, dream it’s important, dream you’re big just because you look like another, meanwhile, today, there are a few who simply don’t care.

Bad Apples

15 Ene

«Gold and caviar»
It’s the corn crisis, and as usual it’s all used as an excuse to criticize whatever goes against capitalism, why do people still eat something so primitive?!, with so much junk food around it would make sense that at least transgenic corn could have more popularity, but when there’s no logic or reason behind a statement all it can cause is chaos, and the world knows that cannot be subjected to any rules of the market.

«But now we’re down in the deep end»
A devaluation of the Mexican peso is inevitable now, I possibly wrote about it months ago but I don’t think anybody thought it would arrive so soon. In less than a month it’s -1.7%, the worse is of course yet to come, and instead of paying attention to the HUGE BRIGHT RED warning signs the government is having the time of their lives, planning trips to Europe, getting money from drug dealers and even murdering for a better place in the cabinet; All wild, all free.

«Where they’d love to watch you drown»
Faux president fecal (as his friends call him) is indeed doing everything he can to end with poverty, he’s giving the finishing touches to a beautiful plan he has on how to finally help the poor end their misery, he increased the price of basic foodstuff (bread, milk, vegetables) by an average of 30%, same thing happened to petrol, all in less than a month, the next step is medicines, then all food and finally electricity, he claims all of that will end as soon as the country goes on a big sale of natural resources, foreigners will help us. Unfortunately for him, it’s too late.

«I said your laundry could use washing»
Leaders of the Catholic church are desperately asking people not to make a revolution out of something like an economic crisis, or, out of a corn crisis which would be so much worse, very embarrassing.

«We’ll hang it up all over town»
Slowly, too slowly for their own good, Mexico’s population is learning that the elections were a trap and they fell on it head first, the good news is that finally those debates on Fecal being The-brown-nazi-leader-to-the-first-world are over, those who supported him had a harsh awakening and understand nobody else but themselves put the rope around their neck, I can rest now.

«And you’ll be suckin’ down the Clorox»
So I’ll end with a different subject. As I was looking for a specific Zen thought I found this gem:
«In an age where the UN and many secular multinational organisations have more strength and much willpower, social Buddhism has passed its hey-day as a useful tool of humanitarianism and global welfare. Although still instrumental in many peace movements across the world, Buddhist groups could be replaced with secular organisations with little real change.»

«‘Til your life’s all nice and crisp»
Yup, Why would you want a philosophy or a school of thought when you can have an institution full of non-elected leaders deciding for you?.

Changing the channel

21 Sep

It’s quite amazing to see how many things changed within a week for big groups of people all over the world. We have Hungary not wanting a liar for a president and the media failing to keep control, we have Thailand getting rid of their president and the media, we have Mexico not wanting an imposed president and the media fighting to win until the end, and we have the USA and Catholicism seeing the end of their life as we know it.

I’ll just talk about the last two.

The USA won’t be able to sustain itself much longer which will surely cause a world crisis (sup globalization!), the good news is that we (the people) have a chance to start all over again without having to worry about big debts, big banks and big companies owning our lives, the bad news is I don’t think anybody knows how complicated the situation can get in different places or if things will get so bleak that basic needs such as food or water will be available.

And personally I owe nothing to banks, it’s been years I avoid big companies or big prices for my regular shopping (as much as possible) and I’m not even addicted to any legal substance. Since the boycott started I only had to get rid of two guilty pleasures: Bisogno’s show and cheese crisps. And even if it was difficult at first I managed to find alternative food which didn’t have things like aspartame or fructose.

But I know millions can’t live without coke, I know millions don’t have access to purified water and I understand billions live thanks to credit cards, how is their life going to change?, how is their life changing now?.

For years I’ve been saying the era of plutocracy (such a popular word these days) is getting to an end, millions all over the world are tired of working their whole lives to give power, money and control to others, economic globalization failed, we might see if the people’s one doesn’t, because, thousands of years later, it’s still utopic a civilization that won’t collapse after a period of only a few hundred years (or less).

Jodorowsky said: «in a few years (less than a decade) all barriers between people will disappear», there would be no race, religion, gender, only people, and modern kids are making me wonder if it’s true after all, at least in what sexuality is concerned, all teens seem bisexual now.

Moving on to religion, the institution where sexuality is oh so appreciated (not), it turns out Ratzinger made his opinion on Islam public, was it on purpose?, surely!, did he know what it was going to cause?, of course!, do I agree with it?, damn right I do!, he can say whatever the hell he wants about other religions, he can just not expect others to accept them, and I don’t think he had that in mind, but when Catholicism has been attacked nobody asked for the attacker’s heads, it’s just religion, we’re allowed to have a different opinion, we should respect others’ of course, but if Ratzinger wants to cause more religious wars, who am I to protest?, religions should disappear anyway, or at least the idea that they are not a personal but massive matter, if the leader of a religion promotes discrimination what then?, they all do, ignore them all and carry on with your life, love, respect, think for yourself.

Another reason why religions should stop having such a big influence and control over others is to protect society from things like child abuse. The Cardinal of Mexico, Norberto Rivera, was accused two days ago in a Californian court of hiding information about sexual abuse against kids in Mexico by Catholic priests. For decades hundreds of orphan children were abused with the knowledge (consent?) of the Vatican and/by dozens of priests.

Thank God people in the USA are Christians and Catholics, being only a minority, have no weight in court like they do here.
Now, honestly, how much is necessary to understand something isn’t working?

Sealed with a kiss

15 Abr

For several days I tried to avoid watching the videos of the Canadians murdering seals, I already knew the information, What else could I learn from a violent video?, Well, I did learn something.

If a human, any human, can’t survive without the «help» of money from selling animal work, animal suffering or animal skin such human deserves to starve, so humans can reproduce but cannot live without oppressing others, and according to the government of Canada it’s necessary that at least 2,500 seals are murdered as fishing isn’t going well and Canadians need to survive…with $40CanDlls. of fur per fleeced and murdered seal.

And it seems that according to Canadians and the Canadian government the only way to kill a baby seal is with a hook, hit them in the head, no matter if they scream, jump, convulse or try to run away, save their lives, hit them until they leave the white snow red with blood, it’s a party, a celebration, everybody is rich now, the country is saved, humanity is saved thanks to those brave souls that can kill a 4 week old seal with a smile in their face.

Humans are monsters, monsters are humans, the government of Canada says it’s not wrong to kill baby seals (they must be babies as the skin is better) because the population is big and if a million seals are murdered in the next 3 years the animal is not in danger of extinction, ok, humans aren’t either, Does that makes it right to kill them? Because if the government of Canada says it is I’m sure there are a few thousand volunteers that can help with the overpopulation problem of people in risk of starving in Canada.

There’s extra people that cannot seem to do anything better to earn a living than kill a baby seal for 40 dollars, and there’s people willing to get rid of them, deal?.


5 Dic

If China is such a wicked country with no democracy whose citizens are murdered for reading books that the government didn’t previously approve, why are most (99%?) computers, TV, radios, Barbie dolls, toys, clocks, clothes, shoes, phones, pens, VCRs, travel bags, agendas, cd boxes, plastic christmas trees, plasma TVs, printers, wires, mobile phones, digital cameras, among others, manufactured there?.
We all know why, but I just wanted to point that out.


17 Sep

The yearly WTO reunion has ended as a failure last week, no agreements were reached according to the orginazers and most of them expressed their disappointment for the whole event going so wrong.
What exactly failed? The countries of the third world ran out of things to sell? The rich countries didn’t want to pay with a KG of genetically modified vegetables for every 1,000,000 barrels of oil?
The protests of the «globaliphobics» failed too, and failed miserably.
Zedillo was the bright mind that introduced the term «globaliphobic», I know I’ve already mentioned that, what I haven’t mentioned is that the term is absolutely wrong.
It’s opposite term, «Globaliphilic», could be correct to define people that want globalization if «global» is used as a root to define a plan to make worlds economies as related to each other as possible, make them globalized.
But what is a phobia? According to my terrible memory the dictionary says something about an irrational fear to an object or situation, so, Are the world «leaders» saying that people’s fear of globalizat
ion being nothing more but a return to the emporiums era an irrational thought?
Assuming that the ideas of people opposing to globalization had no logical fundament, Can they still have the right to tell the world how they feel?
I, personally, think they do have a point, the problem is that those who know what they are doing don’t seem to attend those protests, when they, the young people from Europe or the USA that can pay for a trip to a different continent to attend an anti-globalization protest, are asked why they are there the most common answers are: «Because Bush is bad», «Because globalization has good and bad things, like everything», «Because we should stop abusing poor people».

Then of course we also have assistance of those protesters that see in a motionless line of policemen an evil force, more evil than TV, more evil than CNN, even more evil than the companies who made the clothes they are wearing, what is an anti globalized to do? Throw them a bucket full of urine and excrement of course.

The WTO yearly reunion failed, in every way.