Archivo | diciembre, 2003

Buy, buy, buy!!!

30 Dic

It’s probably quite obvious that I love taking the contrary, and that’s the only reason I sometimes decide not to talk about a specific «world happening».
This will be another case of that, at least partly.
For the past week or so the world has heard and seen about «The biggest threat to human race» being «captured», he was also seen while on a «lice inspection» but that’s something else.
So this man was supposed to be dangerous, evil, the antichrist that would start the «battle of the worlds» and a dozen more evil things, he has been known as a dictator and is likely to be guilty of murdering some of his own people.
So, the biggest danger for the world is behind bars, but one piece is missing, the responsible for the dead of around 4 thousand people of all nationalities in the country of innmigrants who hate immigrants, a dangerous man that has shown himself as an arrogant threat to the ones that think or pray different to him, a man full of hate and ignorance, I ask, when is this man, this murderer called George Bush going to be judged and locked up in a place where he can no longer harm others?.
He’s out there, armed with a plastic turkey and a «God Bless America» speech, looking for world domination, power and money, he said, Iran and Korea, were next.

Mea Culpa

30 Dic

Me impresiona la desfachatez con que se transmiten los comerciales «en contra» de la piratería, dicen que no se cuantos mexicanos pierden su empleo, que los músicos dejan de producir y no recuerdo que otras catástrofes, todo porque la persona común y corriente no tiene vergüenza y compra las cosas en la calle, y rematan «¿No te sientes culpable?», y yo respondo, NO.
Yo no compro discos piratas, no necesito, siempre he grabado la música del radio y así estoy bien, tampoco compro libros pirata, voy a la biblioteca o les saco copias, pero no me sentiría culpable de comprar un libro al 4% de su precio en una librería sabiendo que al autor solo le dan las editoriales el 5% o 10% en regalías.
Tampoco compro en el comercio formal, se que el dinero va solo con los grandes empresarios y no con ese 60% de mexicanos que esta en la pobreza, pero no oculto mi sorpresa al ver mercancía PIRATA vendiéndose en Sanborns o tiendas «establecidas».
Ahora, suponiendo que yo quisiera comprar en el comercio «informal», ¿Por qué no puedo?, ¿Por qué el gobierno me dice que estoy cometiendo un crimen?, ¿Qué hay de la mercancía que pasa por las fronteras, de los tratados de comercio, y qué tal la falta de apoyo a las compañías nacionales, la falta de interés en crear nuevas microempresas, de los permisos especiales para vender en vía publica, del derecho de las personas a comprar donde encuentren un precio justo?, del ROBO que mantienen miles de empresas al vender sus productos a precios irracionales con ganancias del 800%.
¿Nadie dirá que se hará al respecto?.
Insisten en hacer al pueblo culpable de todo lo que sucede cuando las acciones de la ropa maquilada en Ciudad Juarez y vendida como gringa no obtiene las ganancias que desean.


30 Dic

Las celebraciones navideñas terminaron, falta el año nuevo y los diputados aun no se ponen de acuerdo en como sacarles mas dinero a ese mismo 12% de la población y regresarles mas a las compañías y las transaccionales, así como a sus sueldos y beneficios, claro.
Al mismo tiempo surge en el continente el mal de las vacas locas, dicen que ya no pasa carne, que esta detenida en la frontera, pero si pasa droga, ilegales, carros chocolatosos y otros detallitos similares no veo porque esa carne no va a pasar.
El presidente Fox me tiene harta con su reforma hacendaria, si quiere que todos los mexicanos paguen impuestos que se los cobre el mismo y por partes iguales, que asuma el costo de todos modos su imagen esta por los suelos, pero que no me vengan conque debo pagar impuestos por ser parte del 12% de la población que así lo hace desde hace muchos años y ADEMAS pagar el impuesto nuevo que todos han de pagar.
Y lo del país maravilloso, si que lo es, pero no gracias al pan ni al pri, lo era desde antes, lo ha sido desde siempre y lo seguirá sien
do, independientemente de quien haya sido elegido para gobernarlo o quien lo habite, de hecho, el mundo es un lugar maravilloso, el universo, y el mas allá.

The Universe

26 Dic

I read the news today, an earthquake in Itan destroys a city, thousands injured, thousands missing, thousands dead.
No words can help those thousands feel any better.

Reforma Peralvillo

15 Dic

Sí, usé palabras que no eran mías, dos, en el orden que las usó un compositor cuyo nombre, la verdad, no recuerdo.
Bien, hay un revuelo impresionante con lo de la reforma, que no se aprobó, que si el títere, que si el titiritero, que el abuso, el traidor, la mentira, lo de siempre.
Yo estoy de acuerdo con la reprobación, me da mucho gusto que esa reforma fiscal propuesta por Fox no haya sido pasado ya que no me gustaría tener que pagar $100 mas de mandado ni mucho menos 15% mas (o 13% o %10 los primeros años) por tomar mi Prozac.
Esta MUY fumado (y muy bien pagado) el que dice que el pueblo puede pagar 15% mas por cada producto que consume, transporte, medicina, comida, TODO.
Se menciona que las empresas grandes no paga impuestos, tampoco los considerados “pobrecitos muertos de hambre” y claro, en la lista de los que no pagan están también los evasores, ¿es eso justo?, Claro que no, que se vayan las empresas que así lo deseen, de todos modos la mayor parte de la población se autoemplea, ¿a
que le tienen miedo?, ¿a no seguir ganando mas que los reyes de Rusia antes de la revolución?, ¿a no contar con las mordidas de las compañías extranjeras?, Sus negocitos pequeños para el retiro, ¿se terminarían?
Me vale, el presidente es un viejito caprichoso, hay muchas maneras de hacer bien las cosas pero intentar sacar sus propuestas adelante a cuestas de mas impuestos para los de siempre no es algo que yo vaya a permitir.
Ay, la traición de Madrazo, pues que, Fox hace tratos con el, ¿quien se cree el presidente para hacer tratos saltándose al congreso?, Hace tonterías y luego llora.
La propuesta del PRI también esta para llorar, ¿25% de impuestos a todo aquel que gane de 5mil pesos al mes para arriba? Por favor, de cuando a acá es lo mismo tener que vivir gagando 7 mil pesos al mes a 100 mil, la comida, la luz, la renta de 3 mil, los pasajes, escuela, ropa, gas, agua, teléfono, medicinas, doctor, ¡¿impuestos?!. Y que no vengan que se puede ir al seguro que ahí me consta no hay doctores ni medicinas.
Si a impuestos mas severos nos vamos que paguen TODOS 25% de su salario, independientemente de si ganan $3 o $300 pesos al día.
Hay que ser justos y afortunadamente este pueblo, de injusticias, ya se esta cansando.


8 Dic

Mi llivi li friguidi, il idiiti iquil ni si itrivii i dir li ciri, ni tiini, bibis.
Filiz dii dil imir i li imistid.

I’m just mad about saffron, saffron’s mad about me.

6 Dic

Rosh Hashanah has already passed, I was remembered a few days later about it, and it’s been almost 2 months now, still I hope all of your future plans don’t encounter any insurmountable circumstances, or something…
The fasting and Ramadan already passed too, I didn’t use my opportunity to say «Have a nice Rammadan» when it happened, but I say so now, even if I’m late my wishes for that celebration to have been full of peace and self growth are present.
Christmas is still to come, I hope you’re all ready to receive baby Jesus in your homes.
And I’m leaving now.

Emiliano Zapata

6 Dic

Zapata – The Movie
I’ve been planning to write about this for several months now, since the movie about Emiliano Zapata began being filmed, the movie was finished months ago and hasn’t been released yet; The EZLN hasn’t offered any statement about the movie yet; Maybe after it starts showing on theaters everywhere next year?
Just who is Zapata?
Zapata was one of the many Revolution leaders in Mexico, after The Independence things were almost the same, poor people were still in a slavery situation, working 16 hours a day 7 days a week for no pay, living always in debt with the large state owners who were very rich, respected and feared, then the Revolution started, Zapata, a mixed-race man (like 90% of L.A.’s) said: «The land should be owned by the one who works on it» so he fought with the farmers for the ownership of the places where they worked, the Revolution began and ended, now 90 years later, even if things are still the same, Mexico has a law where it’s clearly stated that any person who works the land of others can claim the ownership and legaliz
e it as his/her own.
The Cast
The role of Zapata in the movie was played by a singer, the role of Zapata’s brother was played by the son of a Brazilian business man, other characters were played by the Brazilian business man himself, friends of the movie director, and a special appearance was made by a female singer whose bodyguard attacked news reporters with a gun at a theater just after the end of a musical show were the female singer had the main role but didn’t want to give any interviews.
The Money
The movie was on hold for several years due to the lack of financing, but a few months ago the movie director finally managed to get the many million dollars he had been needing, he got them from a business man accused and found guilty of leaving a national bank in bankruptcy, who also stayed in jail for several years in Australia after having lived there with a fake identity.
The Fraud
«The Divine One» is the nickname of the man who gave several millions of dlls for the movie, he ran away from México around 12 years ago after he was accused of stealing the money from several companies that he was the administrator of, he was found many months later living under a different name in Australia, the Australian government put him in jail and refused to accept the 4 million dollars he offered for his bail as he was being requested for fraud by the Mexican government, years later he returned to México, handcuffed, once his lawyers appealed to different courts all over the country he was found innocent of most crimes and guilty of a couple of minor accusations, he gave 3 million dollars to the courts and «The Divine One» walked free that very same day.
He’s now seen at movie premieres, «socialité» events, and recently as an actor in the new «Zapata» movie where he plays a wealthy business man, he arrived in a helicopter to the place where his scene was going to be filmed.
The money that was «missing» from the banks is being paid with Mexican people’s taxes and will keep on being so for the next 30 years, the amount owed was declared in 1999 at over 80 thousand million dollars.
This organization was born as a guerrilla, they asked for equal rights for indigenous people, as years have passed the country (not the world) knows the EZLN was created and is administrated by that very same government they call their enemy. They have claimed to help indigenous people when they are only known for recruiting their youngsters, they have never committed any crime against the government, they say to only worry about indigenous rights but their leader, Guillen, loves to talk about international issues like his admiration for ETA (The «terrorist» separatist organization from Spain).
Guillen wants to be Guevara but it’s only followed mostly by the Europeans (French and Italians) who still believe indigenous need to be saved…by them.
They don’t kidnap Europeans for money like guerrillas in Colombia or Venezuela, they are friends with them. During the EZLN reunions the assistants, mostly foreigners, like to punch and kick local news reporters, the followers of the movement also love calling «dirty indian» to every news reporter that wants to interview them as many different news media has shown innumerable times.
The law EZLN wanted approved was indeed approved by the congress, the law gives indigenous people special treatment, to their languages (65) and lifestyle (Would this be a good moment to talk about the indigenous practice were parents have to sell their 14 year old daughters for a cow and 2 boxes of beer? Hmm, yes, I thought it wouldn’t), but the EZLN and Guillen (Sub Marcos) are still interested in discussing the problem and maybe giving a speech at the UN.
Viva zapata
Zapata was murdered in 1919. One of Zapata’s brothers is still alive, and lives, like the rest of his family, in poverty.

Hoje eu li a notícia…também

5 Dic

Sempre pense que copí as notícias de periódico em jornais pessoais eram um assunto predictable, qualquer um tem o acesso aos periódicos, no?, mas eu estou indo tentar uma variação, talvez serve-lhe a alguém e com aquele eu ocorro por bom servido, ao alvo que este é meu unico diário nos pesquisador, é necessário fazer exame da vantagem de.
» Sexta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2003
Kissinger à ditadura argentina: ‘Aja rápido’
Documento secreto revela como, em 1976, o então secretário pediu pressa na repressão
BUENOS AIRES – «Quanto mais rápido vocês tiverem sucesso, melhor.»
Este foi o conselho dado por Henry Kissinger em outubro de 1976 ao governo militar argentino, que havia deposto o governo constitucional de Isabelita Perón sete meses antes. A «rapidez» à qual se referia Kissinger – então secretário de Estado dos EUA – dizia respeito à velocidade necessária para eliminar os opositores da ditadura.
O motivo da pressa: calar as acusações que se espalhavam por todo o mundo sobre as graves violações dos direitos humanos na Argentina. Kissinger tinha no governo argentino um dos mais ferozes bastiões do anticomunismo em plena guerra fria.
As «recomendações» dadas por Kissinger estão nos documentos – até pouco tempo confidenciais – que foram liberados pelo governo americano. Em Buenos Aires, a divulgação desses papéis causou ontem grande impacto.
Os organismos de defesa dos direitos humanos afirmaram que este respaldo à ditadura teria servido como «aval» para que o general Jorge Rafael Videla, acompanhado pelo restante da junta militar, ordenasse uma repressão sem precedentes na história da América do Sul.
Durante os sete anos de regime militar (de 1976 a 1983), os repressores assassinaram mais de 30 mil pessoas. Além disso, os militares seqüestraram 500 bebês, filhos dos desaparecidos políticos, dos quais apenas 75 foram recuperados. A ditadura deteve e torturou milhares de pessoas em 500 campos de concentração espalhados pelo país.
Kissinger tentou em 1976 apressar os militares argentinos, já que pouco meses depois, em janeiro de 1977, o Congresso dos EUA – que estava recebendo centenas de denúncias sobre a tortura e repressão – iria debater a suspensão da ajuda militar para a Argentina. As denúncias também punham em risco um crédito de US$ 8 milhões do Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento (BID).
O documento reproduz o diálogo entre Kissinger e o então chanceler argentino, almirante César Guzzetti, ocorrido na época no Hotel Waldorf Astoria de Nova York. Guzzetti disse a Kissinger que a guerrilha havia sido praticamente desmantelada e «até o fim do ano o perigo terá sido afastado, mas sempre ocorrerão incidentes isolados».
Nesse momento, o secretário americano deixou claro o apoio do presidente Gerald Ford à ditadura: «Olhe, nossa atitude básica é que queremos que vocês tenham sucesso. Tenho um ponto de vista fora de moda que é apoiar os amigos.
O que nos EUA as pessoas não entendem é que vocês estão em uma guerra civil.»
O secretário sustentou que o «problema» dos direitos humanos estava ficando cada vez maior. Kissinger arrematou com uma declaração de estímulo: «Se vocês puderem terminar antes que o Congresso recomece suas sessões, ótimo (…) Quanto mais rápido vocês tiverem sucesso, melhor.»
Em 1999, quando o ex-ditador chileno Augusto Pinochet estava em prisão domiciliar em Londres – acusado de crimes contra a humanidade -, outros documentos liberados por Washington mostravam como Kissinger agiu para convencer o governo americano a apoiar o golpe de 1973 no Chile e não levar em conta as denúncias de tortura e outras atrocidades
. «

Disco, disco duck.

5 Dic

I read the other day that Japan was guilty of «war crimes» but because they are «good» these days everybody had forgotten about it.
He (the writer of that article) remembered the massacre at Armenia, the one against the Jews, the 50 million people the Spaniards murdered when they invaded this continent, oh no wait, the writer didn’t mention that one.
The article was about countries, their totalitarian measures and the punishments they must be receiving, said something about «who’s going to be the enemy next» and «only countries considered enemies at the moment seem to deserve international justice», well, he didn’t wrote it with those words, but the writing was about 300 words long, I don’t feel like copying it here.
I think this guy hasn’t realized yet that justice should not be executed by any country against others, international courts are part of other international agreements, if a country murders it’s own people it must be that same country, and the people who live there who should ask for justice, no other country in the world, moral or immoral, has that right, no other country will ever (should) have rights over others, and no place, friend or enemy, is good enough to say which nation is guilty or innocent.