Archivo | agosto, 2004

Oh and…

28 Ago

The Arsenal remains unbeaten after 44 fotball matches… or something quite close to that.
I’m not a football fan (surprise!) but I thought the Jaguares of Chiapas were cool for winning 11 matches… I guess they are just not cool in that way.
Oh and Argentina’s football team now has an Olympic gold medal, I’m not a big fan of the Olympics, even if they are happening in Αθήνα, but I’m a fan of Argentina.

The retard and hell

28 Ago

Lots of talk on the subject of “terrorism”, I can’t seem to remember if 3 years ago every terrorist act in Chechnya made it into the world news for several days. Or is it maybe that only planes hijackings are considered relevant?, That wouldn’t explain September 12 1974, Arabia now would it?.
With the renovated proof that terrorist attacks are waiting for each one of us just around the corner yet another terrorist threat appears: Islamic terrorists kidnap a couple of french news reporters and inform the world that, either the veil ban is unbanned in France or the news reporters will be dead by Monday.
I won’t even get into how France was one of the very few powerful countries that didn’t agree with Irak’s invation as a “logical measure to end with terrorism”, instead I’ll try to make some sense of what I read in the news.
France is one of the countries in the world with a Catholic mayority but a recent increase in muslim population, for geographical reasons many muslims from different regions in Asia migrate to France, Why? The main rea
son seems to be job opportunities, education opportunities and finally a certain freedom that the countires where they’ve forever lived in seem to lack, because of the latter reason many muslim inmigrants are not actually that but refugees, citizens persecuted by their own govenments.
So far I think we all agree that France keeps receiving inmigrants from different nationalities and religious beliefs in exchange of becoming richer culturally, also, France receives the profits of many workers (some very specialized ones) that weren’t born or educated there but are giving their achievements to that country mainly/only.
Now, what happens when a person inmigrates from one country to another?, do they lose their rights?, if they do lose their rights, why inmigrate then?.
If in my country is legal to shoot people at random and chop them into pieces and I decide that I prefer to live in Germany, where such thing is not allowed, Would I have a right to complain about my rights being violated?, If I said my religion asks me to shoot and chop, would that make any difference?, Should it make a difference?.
I say, if somebody doesn’t agree with the laws of the country where they are living in, or can’t accept a different society the best and possibly only solution would be to just move to a different place or remain locked in a room until death by inanition, or any other reason, makes a special appearance.
In politicu’s livejournal, do we all agree?.

Best blog ever?

26 Ago

  I wasn’t even surfing around when, a few days ago, I bumped into what seems to be the best blog I have ever read. It’s hilarious, obscene and a bit twisted, all of that in my humble opinion, of course.
 Despite the similarities between Jason’s «
Best Blog in the Universe«* and «The best Page in the Universe» they are not related, but because I don’t want to start a series of categories out of these I’ll just ignore the other post and give Jason’s blog the title of the best-online-personal-documentary-XXX rated-regularly updated-diary style-writings.
 As for my stalkee’s journal, don’t worry dear G. your writings will f
orever be the best, I still love you, (/psycho smile begins) and I will keep on visiting your journal (/psycho smile ends).

 If my dear audience (2 readers) still has doubt of such blog existing I’ll add an excerpt**, it took me 2 hours to decide what to put since the whole blog is so good, so I just went with a recent entry.

 From Jason’s «Everything is wrong with me» Weblog
 Entry «
Four Small Notes»
 Written by Jason M.
 «2) Blind people on the subway terrify me. Like most people, I share that «who’s going to help them» awkwardness as they slowly try to enter and exit the train. And I feel terrible for feeling this way, but I can’t help it. Second, I also feel like they going to just fucking walk right off the edge of the platform and fall onto the tracks, without realizing what they’re doing. I mean, this could happen – they can’t see shit!

If I ever become blind, I would just sit home all day and smoke pot, and be the most lazy person in the world. Sure, being blind sucks, but it’s an excuse to do absolutely nothing for anyone but yourself for the rest of your life. And sure, that’s pretty much what I’m doing now, but I bet it’d be a lot more acceptable if I couldn’t see.»

 3 days later I’m still ROTFLATWTTB, charming. ***

*Title given by me.
**Except’s copyright by Jason Mulgrew, used with permission.
*** I promise this is really the last time I link from here to somewhere else… unless I get a very good excuse.

The not-all mighty

23 Ago

Well yes, I actually find it a tiny bit funny (not too much) when I see horsemanship contests and the horse falls down… over the jockey.

But just now I realize it’s a strange event that one of riding horses for contests, Why would a horse participate when there aren’t any horse judges?, if the horse is participating the logical thing to do is allow such horse to be evaluated objectively, by his fellow horses, as only they know what’s difficult, impossible or artistic for a horse to do.

Human taste is weird.

I propose that animals are left out of human contests until it can be scientifically proven that animals do have events (and give away prizes) that consist on humans competing against themselves.
Talking about the new heroes (the above was about Olympic events, as in, sports) I couldn’t help but hear that the new “Zorro” movie (no idea what the hell is that but it seems like a cheap hero for the homogenized exotic minded) was going to show a “Zorro” that was going to be more human.

Ok, a Zorro (fox in spanish) that was going to be even uglier, older, less articulate and more pathetic? Sounds impossible to be *that* human. But the point to all of this is the recent horde of “Super heroes are also human” in movies, The explanation?, “Because of the times we’re living”.
Which times are those?.

Is it maybe wake up time for the USA minded who thought Superman’s curse exists?, The ones that believe in spider man to save NY from terrorism?, Now everybody, no matter how painful it is, please let’s grow up a bit, “super heroes” are even less justified to exists than me, they are not for kids they are not for adults, it’s a fantasy, a lie, not true, no human has “super powers” and no member of the outer space was left homeless only to find “here” a second home.

What’s the point to making people believe “Batman” exists?, Another simple delusion? If it’s that then no wonder super heroes have to appear more human, it’s wake up time for the world, welcome to the reality you’ve been trying to avoid yourself from since the time you learnt to say “Nananananananananana Batman!”.
But who dares to tell the world know “The League of Justice” is not real?, Nobody, that’s why the movies will keep appearing but with a tiny disclaimer informing the viewer that the new improved heroes have human “weaknesses”.
And cut.

Don’t hate me for being beautiful

21 Ago

Who says I speak out of envy and bitterness?
The one(s) that do(es) is(are) clearly wrong.


18 Ago

For those who’re still in doubt, here’s one of today’s gold medals at Αθήνα:

Perdiendo Olimpicamente

15 Ago

Todo comenzó cuando a un montón de buenos para nada se les dio un presupuesto y un viaje todo pagado a el evento deportivo mas comercializado del mundo.

En cada pérdida los comentaristas: “Recordemos que para XYZ esta no es la prueba mas importante”, aha, entonces, ¿para que participan si no es importante?.
Ya con evitendes tendencias perdedoras, a 2 días de iniciado el evento, escusas, lanzamiento de pato y el ya tradicional “pudimos haberlo hecho mejor”, ¿en serio?, ¡ah si! Pudieron haber ganado.

Pero quien quiere ganar teniendo a un presidente tan inspirador como Fox, “denles tiempo”, si, de que acaben las competencias y quede mas que claro que sí perdieron. Pudiendo tener un presidente que da honores a quienes ganan ó mejor aun, desterrar a los perdedores nos conformamos con esto, un presidente que al igual que todo el equipo esta hecho para las derrotas.

Es toda una cultura, la semana pasada vi un cortometraje “Medalla al…” (no se que) y todo era de como un anciano malévolo (como todos) le saca a un pobre empleado del nacional monte de piedad una lanota, del sueldo que el chavo gana con el sudor de su frente, engañándolo haciéndole creer que se esta deshaciendo de su medalla olímpica.

No, como una película sobre un medallista que supero todos los retos, una historia verídica de esfuerzo y pasión, mejor una bromita mensa para que todos sepan que, si no ganamos medallas si que somos buenos para tranzar y mentir, aprovecharnos del que se deje y aplaudir cuando lo pasen en la tele.
¿No que honestamente lo necesitamos?.

Yo, correría del pais a los que durante 4 años (o mas) se han estado empacando el dinero de becas deportivas para regresar con sus fotos del recuerdo y contarle a sus nietos “No, ‘pos si yo ‘tuve en las olimpiadas, ¿eh?”, que ya no entren, perdedores ya hay muchos, y de paso desterrar al menso que hizo ese guión tan guarro, ya quisiera ser tan bueno como el de la risa en vacaciones.

Y finalizando con risas y carcajadas, el mitote de los “comediantes” sigue, Derbez histérico que porque la imagen de los mexicanos se difundió como de que iban a burlarse de los Griegos y nocierto.
A ver, por partes:
.- ¿A qué llevan comediantes a un evento deportivo?
.- Las bromas, en las que alguien se hace pasar por otro, buscan a alguien de la calle o ajeno al numerito, graban todo con cámara OCULTA, ¿En qué radica su chiste?, ¿En ver que tan oculta esta la cámara?, ¿En los que ya saben lo que va a suceder?, ¿En los que ya saben que es una broma?, ¿En el que no sabe nada?, y si es comedia, ¿De que o quien se ríen?.
.- Si iban a hacer comedia a costa de quien se dejara, en la calle, con entrevistas, ¿se tomaron la molestia de preguntar a los participantes si DESEABAN hacerlo?.
.- Ya grabando y haciendo el numero, ¿Nunca pensaron que los noticieros griegos darían cuenta de lo que sucedía en su país?.

Con eso ya no me extraña que este país quede por siempre fuera de la historia agradable de la histórica Grecia.

Horrible Imbecile Music

12 Ago

Followed an interesting link the other day, who cares? Certainly not me… oh wait, that’s not the right attitude.
Days ago I decided to follow a link from a band called “His Satanic Majesty”, I had been avoiding this moment for months but I felt it was the right time to do it, so I followed and discovered a bunch of interesting info, these, are my conclusions:

  1. The lead singer of the band is not only gorgeous looking, but he’s also just like any other girl, horrible without make-up, my inferiority complex is now overcome.
  2. The whole band, defying all the laws from the universe, is older than me. And where rich and famous by the time they had my age.
  3. Considering their names seemed to have a link missing in comparison with contemporary names I thought they were polish* or slav, to my surprise they were Finnish.
  4. The singer had actually been interested in satanism and claims to have read “both the Satanist and the Christian Bible”, now having enough knowledge abou
    t religions he says he isn’t fond of either, and I’m sure that’s the first time I must have heard such a drastic and founded statement.
  5. The whole band can be summed up as this: A bunch of old guys that think like teens, have a problem with authority and can’t deal with a deity that doesn’t goes by their first and last name, also, why be in a pop-goth band if not to wear lipstick and take the “aggressiveness” out of sexuality?.

Another trendy band, follow the ideals we copied from others, make yourself feel different, act like all of our teenage girl followers and no matter what ask your parents for money to buy our records and at midnight worship our posters.

What a bore.

*And I love those names, really.

Shoot the immigrant

12 Ago

Read something interesting yesterday, again the world-wide known theory of “immigrants” going to countries that are not “theirs” to “steal” the jobs of the residents-since-prehistoric-times.
I read a funny thing also, a McDonald’s promotional item that said “Steven Lopez, Olympian, Gets a kick out of McDonald’s”, now please, something must be done, this immigrant is stealing the medals from the USA citizens!.
I suggest different types of Olympic events, Winter, Summer, Spring, Autumn, Black, Pale, Red, Yellow, Green, Hispanic, European, Asian, Canadian, American, Child, Adults, Women, Lesbian, Low budget, and many others so nobody steals anything from anybody else.
Now hold your hands and sing to the rainbow.

Manchar o no manchar

12 Ago

Me puede fascinar (y me fascina) la ola de detenidos que ha habido entre los “comediantes” de televisa en Atenas, Grecia. Que si la Vale (queso), que si un pollo, que si la “actriz de neurótica” Duval, Derbez, ah, y también el corresponsal Salazar; Las autoridades de Grecia merecen un premio por darles un buen escarmiento, AL FIN, cordura en el mundo pensante.

Para empezar, Señor periodista, solo en México (y el resto del 3er mundo véase Irak) se le permite meter la nariz donde usted lo desea, la libertad de expresión o de información no es la misma en todas partes, ¡despierte!, no esta en Foxilandia.

Ahora, lo de los “comediantes”, como me sorprende que se sacan de onda porque la misma ciudadanía los reporta, ¿qué esperaban?, ¿que TODO el mundo se iba a reír de sus bromas pendejas, de sus “cámaras escondidas” que no hacen mas que mofarse de los incautos?, estamos hablando de GRECIA, no de un pueblo con analfabetismo que disfruta viendo gente comer vomito en la TV, y me da gusto que tal vez ahora si vayan a entender que sus chistes no son graciosos, que el mundo no es el D.F. y que los conocen en su casa.

Yo no se si realmente piensan que hacer reír a costa de ridiculizar a los demas va a ser un gran chiste para todo el mundo, si realmente creyeron que la gente en Atenas iba a caer rendida por el grupo de comediantes de televisa, comedia barata, sal a la calle, burlate y lo que salga va a horario estelar.

Y todavia los justifican, “No, la gente esta muy temerosa de ataques, la seguridad esta bien fuerte”, NO, solamente piensan que lo que ustedes hacen es insultante y no debe ser permitido.
Por favor, detenganlos a todos, y que en este país pase lo mismo, al que intente un “Día De Perros” cárcel de por vida.

Faltaba más.